vulnerability - the ‘V’ word

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

…showing vulnerability elevates you and your heart-self.

I found 2 definitions of what it means to be vulnerable:

  1. To be capable of being physically or emotionally wounded.

  2. To be open to attack or damage : assailable vulnerable to criticism.

Frankly, I find them quite negative, and I think there is one important definition missing…

3. To be capable to share ones innermost self, thoughts, feelings, failures and fears.

Being vulnerable demands that we act in truth and honesty.  That we take self-effacing accountability for our choices, words and actions.  It may be that you acknowledge, own or confess something that you did which brings you shame or hurt. It takes immense courage and bravery, so finding someone you trust implicitly is imperative to your emotional safety.  Someone who will listen without judgement or pity. Someone who will remind you of your good-nicity (definition: the good-ness in you).  Good-nicity? Nope, you’re right, probably not a word…but maybe it should be.

I’ve had to make my own confessions.  Making myself vulnerable and taking accountability for unkind behaviours or words towards others.  I learned in a profound way what it is to receive compassion, forgiveness, and kindness from those same gracious people.

When shared in a safe space, showing vulnerability elevates you and your heart-self.   You become visible to those who are not accustomed to this type of conversation or have yet to find the courage themselves.  When I want to share, I make sure to surround myself with people I know love me as I am, and then I share.  It’s wonderful to see others colour the conversation with their own vulnerabilities. We simultaneously nurture, and get nurtured. Count me in!

©2021 Kim Wessels. All rights reserved.


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