neuroplasticity, make the most of your brain

Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

Choose to use your brain like your body, bend it, flex it, strengthen it and allow it to grow…

Neuroplasticity also known as neural plasticity and brain plasticity, is the ability of the brain to form and reorganise synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience or following injury.  Our brain contains billions of nerve cells (aka neurons) that transport and conduct messages between the brain and nervous system.  Where it was once thought that the formation of new neurons stopped shortly after birth, we now know that new neurons are being formed every night while we sleep.  

Research has demonstrated, via brain imaging techniques and behavioural changes, that our brain is  malleable and our mind can alter the brain.  In other words our thoughts and choices can influence the structure and function of our grey matter.  The idea that the brain is fixed and hardwired to behave like a piece of machinery that wears with age, is no longer the view by scientists and researchers.  

The concept that we have the power to change our brains structure and function as a result of how we think and use our mind is a very current topic of interest. You only need to listen to experts like Dr Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden, Dr Bruce Lipton, and Dr Caroline Leaf to understand the importance this has for our future as a race. Dr Leaf has worked with TBI’s (traumatic brain injuries) patients who were told there was little hope of recovery, but determinedly retrained their brains successfully to reach and surpass their previous academic capabilities and lead successful careers. She’s seen senior citizens in their 80’s go on to change careers and get degrees. This illustrates the unlimited ability of our brain when we believe with our mind that we can do something, then go on to actually do it. To believe is one step, to put into practice is the next. I LOVE it!

  • Choose to use your brain like your body, bend it, flex it, strengthen it and allow it grow. 

  • Feed your brain good food, good thoughts and new information every day. 

  • Keep it’s toxic exposure down with good sleep, clean water, positive attitude, minimal stress, laugh and smile as much as you can, and be mindful about what you engage with, on TV and in social media. 

  • Believe you can do more than you thought with it and then go do it.

  • Don’ t allow age to be a limitation.

  • Don’t be limited by the idea that because "it runs in the family” or “I’ve just always been/felt like this” that this is your destiny.

  • Realise that you’re just as smart as the next person.

  • Remember, while you sleep your body is growing new neurons (neurogenesis) that you can use to build new healthy thoughts from the minute you wake. 

©2021 Kim Wessels. All rights reserved.


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